Monday, February 25, 2008

Losing my grip? Stressed? Burnout?

I have had some dreams lately that I don't like. I guess you could call them nightmares. I woke up early this morning after what seemed like a deep sleep. I don't recall all the details right now, but I remember it wasn't pretty. The test I took online about dreams warned me: Be careful! Your quiz score reveals that you may be feeling powerless, anxious and totally out of control these days.

Out of control? Losing my grip??

It goes on to say: Maybe you recently lost your job, or perhaps you're struggling with the loss of a loved one. Whatever the case, you may be feeling like a human ping-pong ball, hit back and forth between problems that you can't influence or control. Your dreams may be trying to tell you that it's time for you to make that big decision you've been putting off, or that you need to accept that you're going through a confusing time. So try to relax, and remember that this confusing life
phase will eventually pass.

Confusing time? Eventually??

Ok?? I guess I will just have to wait for it to 'pass!'

After taking the dream test, I found a link that was about stress...etc.

My stress level is getting bad...Really? Go figure! My score indicates I have signs of burnout!

Ok, I'm thinking some cyber mouse has been here reading my blog and has created this conclusion from my 'symptoms'

It goes on to say: People who score in this range are fairly happy and well balanced people. They are normally full of energy and are able to meet the demands of daily life. They are often able to manage stress. They are usually able to set realistic and attainable goals. (I met my and passed my goal at EHC) They are able to stay positive about their work and future. They usually are able to relax and enjoy their down time. More often than not, they are capable of separating work life and home life. (That is good! I sure wouldn't want to take my job home with me)

Typically, people who score in this range are able to control and recognize their feelings and act upon them appropriately. They usually learn from their mistakes.(I've sure learned alot from them!) They generally have compassion and respect for other people.(I do!) They are able to get along with their coworkers and enjoy being part of a team. (Ok, now this is where I put my foot down. This a joke! I've tried to get along with the co-workers, but they won't cooperate and don't want no part of the team effect)

In general, those who score in this area are able to control their workload and do their work to the best of their abilities. (Ido that too!) They know what is expected of them and live up to those expectations.

However, if you've scored in this range, you do have some potential of burnout. (no shit Sherlock!) Please remember to do the following for yourself: set realistic work goals, take time for yourself, exercise, change jobs, (hey! there is a thought!) read books about beating burnout, join a support group, (I have my fellow Admins (who can't stand it when I score NASCAR points and they don't)) keep a journal, (I guess a blog counts) take up a hobby, spend quality time with your family, defeat negative thoughts, becoming active in your church, synagogue, or other community activity and, (Not another organization!) most importantly, learn how to say no. (Ha, ha, ha, ha) If you do these things, we have no doubt you will continue to thrive!

Interesting....I'll keep you posted if I re-test.

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