Friday, February 15, 2008

Funny Stuff...from work

Working at the Town Hall and having a job of answering the phone can sometimes put a smile on your face. There are times you can't wait for the phone to ring just to hear the question on the other end. The following are just a few of the phone calls and questions I've received recently...

* How long would you boil a pork roast?

I couldn't answer that question. First because I don't think I would boil a pork roast, secondly I don't have my cook book here with me.

* How much is a trash sticker?

.75 cents

* How much for 10 of them?

Excuse me? I wanted to say DUH, but I didn't.

* A lady called to report dead turtles in Hominy Ditch on Preston Street. They weren't sure if it was dead, but it had files on it. They determined it was dead once they threw rocks at it and it didn't move.

Uh, ok!??!

* A lady called to inform us she had called the Health Department with concerns about no public restrooms in our community. Businesses said they would not have public restrooms due to them not making any money on so many flushes. This lady called the Health Department because she felt this was a health concern. She was planning on coming to our community wide yard sale day and she could not be here all day and not go to the restroom. After calling some of the businesses here they told her they would not provide public restrooms on that day.

I asked her what the Town was suppose to do? She was just calling to make us aware she would not be coming to the Town unless facilities were available!

I guess she didn't get any bargins that weekend!

* After a snowy evening a lady called asking how clear US Highway 31 was. I didn't know because I hadn't been on to 31. Her next question was, "How are the roads in Columbus?"

I told her I hadn't been to Columbus either! Duh!

This is a few of the funny things I can remember. I got to go now, the phone is ringing...I might be able to post again soon!

1 comment:

Shelley said...

Now that was the best post yet!! Makes me think that I should post something on my blog about 'what kids tell you on the bus'. :-)