Thursday, February 28, 2008
Hello, can I help you?
Having a memory like an elephant, I can rattle off the numbers without even having to look them up. I do have a cheat sheet at my desk with a list of all the business phone numbers in case I need to make a quick glance, but more times than not I know them by heart.
So, after the person asks for the phone number and I say 793......I hear, "Wait! Wait! I need to get a pen and paper!" Grrrrr! YOU called for a phone number and you don't already have a pen and paper ready??? What did you think? It was going to take me five minutes to find the number?
Working in a public office, for the public, makes me more aware of when the rolls are reversed and I'm on the recieving end. I try to be more patient with the office worker employee.
I wish everyone had the chance to experience both sides!
Tuesday, February 26, 2008
cooking is a favorite
Above is the link from the Seymour Tribune. It was an article that appears each Thursday in the local paper with people who want to share recipes. I thought I'd take a shot at it. I hope you enjoy the recipes.
what have the kids become?
Thinking it might be something that would pass, I just told my son to ignore it. Well, as it went on and on, I finally told him to go to the "Dean of Boys", or the Principle. The last few days have been crazy with early dismissal and then not going to school at all because of the winter weather, so I think we both had forgotten the Zack problem...until yesterday.
As I sat and waited for Patrick to come out of the school, I wondered what the day would bring. I could tell as I seen him walk out of the school and the look on his face, it wasn't going to be good. As soon as he got in the truck he started again about how Zack was going to beat him up. Truthfully, I had forgotten about the whole mess, but was quick to ask him if he had told Mr. Markel or Mr. Schill. Of course he hadn't since it just happened. So as I turned the corner to go home, I turned left back into the school parking lot to go have a word with the principle.
When I walked into the office, the secretary asked if there was something she could do for me. I told her I was tired of this kid telling my son he was going to beat his ass. If it didn't stop, my son was going to be the one beating someone's ass because I was tired of the teasing! She told me he wasn't available as he was with the buses, but would be back shortly. I told her we would wait.
Approximately five minutes later, Mr. Schill walks in and I tell him I need about two minutes of his time. We (Patrick, Mr. Schill and myself) make our way to his office. He is concerned with what the problem is. I explain to him what has been going on for several days and wanted Patrick to come and talk to him himself, but hadn't yet, so it was happening now! He asked if there was something Patrick wanted to tell him, but was embarrassed in front of me. I took the hint and said I was going to step outside. A few moments later, Mr. Schill asked me to come back in the office and was explaining to Patrick he needed to let him know if something was happening because he wouldn't know otherwise. He asked if Patrick was somehow making fun of this Zack kid that would cause him to rebel against Patrick. His answer was "The only thing I tell him is to shut up!"
As we left the school Patrick told me the things that upset him the most is they call him 'gay' and 'queer' but today this kid said to him, "You suck your dad's dick!" I was ready to head back into the office, but Patrick said he had already told the story to Mr. Schill.
I was pleased with the meeting and was assured it would be taken care of. I'm sitting here now wishing my life away, waiting on 2:55 p.m. so I can go pick my son up and see how is day went!
We are suppose to teach our kids to be polite and respectful of each other, but there comes a time when you can't take no more. I am surprised Patrick's not knocked this kid's head off, but I sort of feel that day is coming...sooner than later.
UPDATE: After picking Patrick up today, I can tell you it was a better day. Mr Schill spoke to Zack as he said he would. I just hope the good days continue...
Monday, February 25, 2008
Losing my grip? Stressed? Burnout?
Out of control? Losing my grip??
It goes on to say: Maybe you recently lost your job, or perhaps you're struggling with the loss of a loved one. Whatever the case, you may be feeling like a human ping-pong ball, hit back and forth between problems that you can't influence or control. Your dreams may be trying to tell you that it's time for you to make that big decision you've been putting off, or that you need to accept that you're going through a confusing time. So try to relax, and remember that this confusing life
phase will eventually pass.
Confusing time? Eventually??
Ok?? I guess I will just have to wait for it to 'pass!'
After taking the dream test, I found a link that was about stress...etc.
My stress level is getting bad...Really? Go figure! My score indicates I have signs of burnout!
Ok, I'm thinking some cyber mouse has been here reading my blog and has created this conclusion from my 'symptoms'
It goes on to say: People who score in this range are fairly happy and well balanced people. They are normally full of energy and are able to meet the demands of daily life. They are often able to manage stress. They are usually able to set realistic and attainable goals. (I met my and passed my goal at EHC) They are able to stay positive about their work and future. They usually are able to relax and enjoy their down time. More often than not, they are capable of separating work life and home life. (That is good! I sure wouldn't want to take my job home with me)
Typically, people who score in this range are able to control and recognize their feelings and act upon them appropriately. They usually learn from their mistakes.(I've sure learned alot from them!) They generally have compassion and respect for other people.(I do!) They are able to get along with their coworkers and enjoy being part of a team. (Ok, now this is where I put my foot down. This a joke! I've tried to get along with the co-workers, but they won't cooperate and don't want no part of the team effect)
In general, those who score in this area are able to control their workload and do their work to the best of their abilities. (Ido that too!) They know what is expected of them and live up to those expectations.
However, if you've scored in this range, you do have some potential of burnout. (no shit Sherlock!) Please remember to do the following for yourself: set realistic work goals, take time for yourself, exercise, change jobs, (hey! there is a thought!) read books about beating burnout, join a support group, (I have my fellow Admins (who can't stand it when I score NASCAR points and they don't)) keep a journal, (I guess a blog counts) take up a hobby, spend quality time with your family, defeat negative thoughts, becoming active in your church, synagogue, or other community activity and, (Not another organization!) most importantly, learn how to say no. (Ha, ha, ha, ha) If you do these things, we have no doubt you will continue to thrive!
Interesting....I'll keep you posted if I re-test.
Saturday, February 23, 2008
It will never be the same...
If I could only be proud of the Hoosiers now, as I was then. The latest problems are with Kelvin Sampson, who on Thursday said he had coached his last game at IU only to be followed Friday by the university buying him out of his contract for a mere $750,000. With this Kelvin waived his right not to sue the university (how ignorant!) What would he have to sue for? HE created his own problems! (actually he brought them with him from Oklahoma, and he got caught ... AGAIN!)
After Friday's news conference some of the IU players said they would boycott practice and the next game with Northwestern and even threatened quiting the team. DJ White, Jamarcus Ellis and Armon Bassett, along with three reserves missed practice on Friday saying they were unsure as to what they would do on Saturday for the game.
Dan Dakich has been made interm coach until the university can find a new head coach. Dan said he understood the players' frustrations and their reaction to the news of Kelvin leaving was 'natural' What was Dan's reaction on Friday when six players were missing from practice? Dan said it wasn't like a boycott, but the players did say they were boycotting! So which is it Dan? Dan said after all they had been through, there was no way he would demand that they practice. Well, if he wasn't demanding they be at practice, why would anyone show up anyhow? I'd say Dan met the players demands by letting them boycott practice!
IU is currently contending for the Big Ten Conference title with just a few games left. I think the players need to think about that and the university and quit acting like a bunch of Middle School or High School students and suck it up!
IU ended up beating Northwestern (who hasn't won a big ten game this season) by a score of 85-82. All three players who were startes that skipped Friday's practice, started the game Saturday. The three reserves were also suited up and ready to play.
What the interm coach should have done is when the plane was getting ready to leave Bloomington and the six players showed up, they should have been asked what they were doing. If they stated they were going to the game, they should have been told to find their own transportation and not been on the TEAM plane or TEAM bus. Dan should have told them IF they wanted to play, those were the rules they would have to follow.
Instead interm coach Dan Dakich gave into the players demands. I'm not sure when the game changed, but it has. I don't think there will every be a time it will be like the good ole' days. The days the individuls came together to form a team, they were proud to wear the school's uniform and it wasn't all about themselves.
A new chapter is beginning in Bloomington, but I don't think I'm going to purchase this book either.
Wednesday, February 20, 2008
The first team to do it was San Francisco in 1956. They were 29-0. North Carolina was 32-0 in 1957. The great John Wooden was undefeated four times in 1964, 1967, 1972, and 1973. Each time UCLA had a record of 30-0. The last team to do it was the Indiana Hoosiers, as mentioned above.
Robert Montgomery Knight brought the 'motion offense' to Assembly Hall in Bloomington. After 29 years at Indiana, Mr. Knight was fired in 2000. Some members of the 32-0 Hoosiers (that I remember) were Quinn Buckner, Kent Benson, Scottie May, Tom Abernathy, Jim Crews, Bob Wilkerson, Wayne Radford and Jim Wisman. Some of my all-time favorite Hoosiers are, Calbert Chaney, Steve Alford, A J Guyton, Mike Woodson, Alan Henderson, and my all-time fav, Damon Bailey.
Robert Montgomery Knight is the winningest basketball coach in division I with 902 wins. He is the winningest coach to every coach at IU at 661-240 for .734% from 1972-2000. I remember meeting Mr. Knight at Columbus, Indiana in 1994 at a mall with Cingular Wireless was opening a new store. I was luck enough to get his autograph on the back of my Indiana silk jacket. This is one of my many highlights of my 47 years of life :-)
Currently, the Memphis Tigers are undefeated in Division I basketball at 25-0. They are rated #1 in the AP and ESPN/USA Today Polls. the Tigers have six regular season games left. Tulane 15-9, Tennessee 23-2, Tulsa 13-10, Southern Miss 13-11, Southern Methodist 8-15, and UAB 17-8. The game I am looking forward to is Saturday at 9 p.m. #1Memphis vs #2Tennessee. Each year there is usually a team rated #1 who's undefeated, but before the regular season is over, they lose, keeping Indiana University as the last team to be perfect. Right now, it looks like the Vol's are the only team who has a chance to spoil Memphis' perfect season. If they don't, I will be rooting against the Tigers in the NCAA tournament.

Long live the General!
Tuesday, February 19, 2008
Returning the favor
Dan always has something that will make you want to go, "Hmmmm."
Shelley's blog is a must read. She always gives great comments and sometimes gives some advice. If you know her well enough you will be able to read the advice between the lines she's typed. Perry will once in awhile sneak in a post, but that's just Perry, he IS a sneak ;)
I'm sure you will enjoy both blogs and be glad you stopped by.
Enjoy my picutres Dan!

I wish I was the brick on this August day!

Oh, yeah, I'm bad.

Thee Man, what else can I say?
I can remember the time I could tell you the starting five on the IU team, the subs, their record, the next game, what channel and what time the next game would be. It's just not the same anymore. Thanks in part to the firing of Robert Montgomery Knight. The hiring of Mike Davis, the hiring of Kelvin Sampson and the latest alligations against the university have taken their toll on my backing the Hoosiers the way I used to.
I did watch the final few minutes of the IU/PU game. I found my self saying, out loud, "I think it would be funny if PU won this game!" I couldn't believe what I was hearing myself saying! The final score was IU 77, PU 68. With a minute to go in the game the announcers kept telling us to stayed tuned as someone would be interviewing IU's coach Kelvin. Woop too doo!
Well, I stayed tuned, and I wasn't impressed. The idiot Sampson thought the most important thing of the game was being at the top of the Big Ten Conference with only 2 loses. Only someone who isn't a true, bleed red, Hoosier would say something like that after beating the Boilers! Come on Kelvin, the Hoosiers just beat the Boilermakers and your happy with only two losses! For crying out loud!
Indiana University announces their decision on Friday as to the alligations against the illegal tatics of Sampson. This time please, I beg you, do the right thing! Put Kelvin on the first train or bus out of Bloomington, and bring IU back to the glory days. Give us someone who knows what Hoosier Basketball is all about.
If you need help finding the right person, call me. My name is in the book.
Monday, February 18, 2008
What is happening?

It's hard to say what people are thinking at any given time. People handle stressful situations differently. What might stress one person can affect another person differently.
Sunday night another young person from our small community of 1500 residents was found dead. The investigation continues to try to find out all the answers to this tragedy.
On June 10, 2006 the picture above was taken of Angela, Shelley and myself. I had such a good time that day. We were asked to judge our annual Red, White and Blue Festival parade entries. I was driving the rented golf cart through the parade entries as we made notes and talked about which one we thought deserved the trophies for first, second and third place.
I remember laughing for over an hour at and with Angela and Shelley. We were waiting for the rest of the parade to line up so we could continue our official judging. I remember Lanny making each of us a margarita, which of course caused us to laugh that much more! I have this picture on myspace page titled 'Three Smokin' Babes' Each time the golf cart would stop, Angela and Shelley would light up a cigarette. This stop I took one from Shelley and gave Kendra my camera and had her snap the picture. Several times over the last year I've looked at this picture and has a laugh or at least a smile on my face.
I will always have good memories of Angela not only from this day, but from the times she came into the Town Hall office to pay her utility bill. Each time she spoke to me she had a smile on her face and we often talked about her daughter Katelyn who was the same age of my son and had actually went to school together in kindergarten. I would never had dreamed a mere 20 months after the above photo was taken I would hear the tragic news of Angela's death.
I don't know how much more our community can take. I will continue to pray for Angela's family and friends and pray for answers. Good bye Angela.
Sunday, February 17, 2008
Saturday morning when the alarm went off, I thought I would just lay in bed for a few moments and listen to the first song. Well, the first song ended and I thought I would listen to another. Unfortunately, I fell back to sleep and woke up at 6:37 a.m. I was late! I made it to church before 7:00 a.m. and starting cooking. I managed to have the biscuits and gravy complete before my first customer.
Shortly before 8:30, I was out of gravy! Quickly I prepared another crock pot full, but, before 9:30 that was gone and so were the biscuits! I thought I had prepared a little too much, but I was wrong. I opened six more cans of biscuits and made another crock pot full of gravy. By the time I was completely out of gravy and biscuits, I had used 12 cans of biscuits and five crock pots full of gravy! Normally I sell five cans of biscuits and about one and one-half crock pots of gravy! I was thinking I might have some left over to prepare for my Sunday School class Sunday, but the fans proved me wrong.
This was what was in store for me for the rest of the day...
After my gravy was gone, I cleaned the pot and prepared the Ballpark Franks. I had more than 30 hotdogs and was sure I would have some left over. Wrong again! I guess people were hungry! I sold more than 30 hotdogs yesterday!
My speciality is ‘Taco’s in a Bag’. I had prepared almost eight pounds of meat, nine cups of cheese, two heads of lettuce, two large tomatoes and two pounds of sour cream. By the end of the was all gone!
I usually sell around $300 for the day, but this day was just different. I was busy until 2:00 p.m. and was not able to sit the whole time. I was getting past being worn out! For the day I ended up making $365. Adding that to the totals from the previous five weeks, I ended with a total of $1,300.00! One thousand three-hundred dollars for the Enter His Courts program! At the beginning I had made a goal of $1,200. The people surprised me and I met and surpassed my goal by one hundred dollars!
That was awesome! The proceeds go toward the program and helps purchase the trophies, prizes and scholarships for the kids.
You might ask, "Am I glad it is over?" YES! I am glad it over! After yesterday I am tired, exhausted, k-put and simply dragging! I know come next Saturday morning I will be wondering what am I going to do with my Saturday! I truly enjoyed it and cannot wait to do it again in 2009!
Today I am going to get on some comfortable clothing, get in my big ole’ lazy boy, curl up in a blanket, turn on the TV and relax! Oh, wait! NASCAR is on! Guess I will not be able to relax just yet!
Friday, February 15, 2008
Funny Stuff...from work
* How long would you boil a pork roast?
I couldn't answer that question. First because I don't think I would boil a pork roast, secondly I don't have my cook book here with me.
* How much is a trash sticker?
.75 cents
* How much for 10 of them?
Excuse me? I wanted to say DUH, but I didn't.
* A lady called to report dead turtles in Hominy Ditch on Preston Street. They weren't sure if it was dead, but it had files on it. They determined it was dead once they threw rocks at it and it didn't move.
Uh, ok!??!
* A lady called to inform us she had called the Health Department with concerns about no public restrooms in our community. Businesses said they would not have public restrooms due to them not making any money on so many flushes. This lady called the Health Department because she felt this was a health concern. She was planning on coming to our community wide yard sale day and she could not be here all day and not go to the restroom. After calling some of the businesses here they told her they would not provide public restrooms on that day.
I asked her what the Town was suppose to do? She was just calling to make us aware she would not be coming to the Town unless facilities were available!
I guess she didn't get any bargins that weekend!
* After a snowy evening a lady called asking how clear US Highway 31 was. I didn't know because I hadn't been on to 31. Her next question was, "How are the roads in Columbus?"
I told her I hadn't been to Columbus either! Duh!
This is a few of the funny things I can remember. I got to go now, the phone is ringing...I might be able to post again soon!
Thursday, February 14, 2008
Happy Valentines' Day
Now, don't get me wrong, I love to help Sherry. Heck, on Wednesday I didn't get home till after 1 a.m. My fingers are raw from tying balloons, one of my least favorite jobs. I was up again this morning a little after 6 a.m. getting ready to go back again.
Sherry opens at 6 a.m. on Valentine's Day and there are several that wait till the last day to make a purchase. Crazyness, you bet. It is organized chaos. Each year Sherry gets volunteers to help do different jobs. My job is the front counter, which I don't mind a bit. Greeting the customers as they come in, taking their order, getting it to the proper person to do, or doing it myself. For the most part people were patient.
There were times it was crazy, one order right after another. I'd start making a dent in a pile of orders, only for someone to walk up behind me and lay down another handful, ugh. It was fun, but definetly not something I want to do all the time. I guess it's a good thing February 14 only comes once a year :)
There weren't any exciting stories that happened this year. We had our usual lost drivers, misplaced tickets, misplaced orders, people that weren't home to get their deliveries, but again, for the most part it was a good day.
Jan worked the 'bible' and we've already made plans to make it even smoother next year. Amy helped Jan and was the gopher for most of us. She even made a few deliveries and seemed to have fun. Robin worked the phone and did a great job, Bill and Dennis did the bulk of deliveries. Dennis made several trips to the school. Last night I did the balloons and had them in order for CHS, CES, in Town and out of Town. Funny thing is, once you make a delivery to the school or a business, everyone sees the balloons or flowers and the phone starts to ring. I think Dennis make possibly five trips to the elementary, then it's back to the high school, then just back and forth. Seeing the reactions of the kids makes it all worth it. (The bus drivers might not like it, but, come on, it's just once a year)
Sherry's dad and brother, Bill and Gary, made deliveries this year. The went to Seymour early in the morning with a vehicle full. Gary knows his way around Seymour and Bill loves giving the flowers to the customer.
As always we could use a few more people. This year we needed a couple more delivery drivers, but we felt lucky to have what we had. Coleigh and Erin did a great job of keeping things organized and many times knew exactly what we were going to ask for, even before we asked.
One of the exciting things that happened this year was, we had some roses that walked off! When I got to Mountain Memories this morning I immediately notice one dozen BLUE roses in a vase. They were going to Lacy. I thought to myself she was lucky to have a boyfriend who would send her BLUE roses. As always, Sherry made them look beautiful, so I think that is why it caught everyone's eye. When it came time for Bill to make the delivery, the vase of BLUE roses had vanished. I figured Gary and Bill, who'd already filled their vehicle and were on there way to Seymour, had mistakenly got them in with their deliveries. Once Gary and Bill had called back into the shop and we asked them IF they had the BLUE roses, the mystery continued when they said, "No!"
The vase of roses was seen by at least 3-4 people. The ticket was pulled and marked as 'done' and Sherry remembered doing them, BUT, they were no where to be found. Someone had noticed a strange lady walking the alley behind the shop so we are wondering if somehow she made her way into the tent and got her a dozen BLUE roses!!??!! Guess we will never know, but the good thing is, Sherry made another vase of BLUE roses for Lacy.
If you got anything from Mountain Memories this year, you are lucky. I can assure you there was love and caring put into the making of it. If you are one of the unlucky ones who got something from another florist, better luck next year!
Happy Valentine's Day!
Sunday, February 10, 2008
Life if tough
God instructs us not to worry and have faith, like children do. In the lesson for tonight, the story talked about a person, with problems, laying them at the foot of the cross, giving them to Jesus, never having to worry about it any longer as Jesus was going to take care of it.
In the story, the person died and was setting in a room with other people with patches that pertained to their lives. The person was embarrassed as their patches had holes in them and were ragged. The angels instructed the people to sew their patches together and they would then share their quilt with each other.
As the person sat and sewed their patches together, he noticed the patches of the others. They were colorful, not worn and simply beautiful, compared to his own. When they were done, one by one they stood and showed off their quilts and talked about their lives.
It became the persons turn with the worn, holey, and torn patches to share their quilt. As he stood, everyone looked at the quilt with astonishment and envy. The light showed through the quilt and a picture of Jesus' face appeared.
The person explained how through their life he had daily prayer, any problems he had he turned it over to God and asked Him for His help.
We all need to do this in our lives. We can't do it by ourselves. I need to practice what I teach ;-)
Thursday, February 07, 2008
I love meetings.
The information I got was the meetings were held the second Wednesday of each month beginning at 7 p.m. The months of June, July and August we did not meet so we could spend the summer months with our families. We started up again in September and went until the following May. I talked it over with my husband and son and they did not have a problem with me being gone from the house once a month.
There were about 8 or 10 of us that were the newbies and initiated in February of that year. There have been several times I have laughed my head off. We have held a convention at the Columbus Holiday Inn for our district sorority, performed a skit with dancing and singing in front of hundreds of people I didn't even know! (Yes, I was sober and I have no idea how I got thru it!) And there have been times I've been so pissed at a 'sister' I could have knocked her head off. But for the most part I've had a blast with all of them. Sherry, Linda, Chrystal, Kendra, Norma, Marie, and Tammy are a few of my favorites.
I remember saying to my family, I guess I will join the sorority as they meet on Wednesday and I never have anything to do on Wednesday!
Last August the Athletic Boosters had the election of officers. I declined every nomination I was nominated for and told the few that were present at the meeting that I was just too busy to be tied down to another organization, another meeting and another position to hold. I wanted to just quietly fade into the woodwork, never to be heard from again.
I remember the joy in my voice when I came home after that meeting, telling my family I had finally said "NO!" to something! Yeah! for me! I recall telling Ric and Patrick I was going to have soooo much more time on my hands now, since I wasn't a Booster any more.
Maybe I spoke too soon...
I carry a daily planner with me. Everyday I have to look at the day and see where I'm suppose to be and at what time I'm suppose to be there. If I lose this book, I'd be lost! I would not have any idea what was going on! I started off last week by working 8 hours at the Town Hall. I got my nails done at 12 noon, went back to work then left at 4:30 to go to the school to work the ticket booth for a middle school girls basketball tourney. Brownstown Central, Brownstown Lutheran, Medora, Crothersville and Sauers were some of the teams playing for the right to be crowned Jackson County basketball champions. I finally made it home about 8 p.m. that evening. On Tuesday it was the same thing again. I worked at the Town Hall for 8 hours, left at 4:30, went to the school to take tickets again for the tourney. Wednesday I worked for 8 hours, went to a Red, White and Blue Festival meeting at 6 p.m. at the fire department with Sherry, Doris Kovener, Todd and Buster. We accomplished quiet a bit in the 2 hours we met, I was pleased.
On Thursday my day started off again at 8 a.m. at the Town Hall. I had to attend court in Seymour with Travis Thompson at 1:30. The Town had filed suit against Paul Scholl and Nick Tatlock for their properties being a trash nuisance. Since I was the one who took the photographs, I had to appear in court to say I took a picture! Duh! Well, I didn't have to testify after all, but I had to be there. The suit was continued, so sometime later I will have to go back to court :(
I made it back to Crothersville by 2:55 to pick Patrick up from school, return to work, leave there at 4:30, go back to school to take tickets for the middle school basketball game. Finally, Friday arrives! There is nothing on my schedule for Friday! Yippie! At 9 p.m. I go to our church to set the Family Life Center up for Enter His Courts on Saturday morning. On Saturday morning I'm at the church by 6:30 a.m. making breakfast for the 100 kids and family members who attend the basketball program. I am usually done around 3 p.m. on Saturday afternoon. It's a long day, but I get to pretend to run a restaurant by serving breakfast and lunch during this time, so being tired at the end of the day don't bother me too much.
Sunday morning I'm up for church by 8 a.m. I teach the elementary youth at 6:30 in the evening, so my Sundays are pretty full too.
I am thinking I had a pretty full week for this week and can't wait to turn the page in my planner to see if I get a break from all this...well, I don't.
Monday started out like the previous week. Eight hours of work at the Town Hall, done at 4:30, back to school to take tickets for a basketball game, home around 8 p.m. Tuesday was the Town Council meeting beginning at 6 p.m. At 6:30 I had another meeting with the Praise Team at church. I was trying to figure out how I could pull off two meetings in one night. I missed the Praise Team meeting, as the Town Council meeting was too exciting to leave!. I always look forward to Wednesdays. That is my 1/2 day at work. I was there till 12 noon, went to Town and Country to get a bite of lunch, had an appointment with Tammy Lee at 1 p.m. to get my hair cut, picked the boy up at school at 2:55, had a church business meeting at 6:30, home at 7:30. Thursday (today) was to work at 8 a.m. I had to leave at 11 a.m. to make it to parent/teacher conferences at school. I was finished with that at 2 p.m. made it to Scottsburg to get gas and shop at Jay-C food store, home at 4 p.m. I have to pick up my Market Day food order between 5 and 6 p.m. Tonight there is a ball game at Brownstown with the boys junior varsity and varsity basketball teams. I was planning on attending, but I think I will skip it. Tomorrow the students are dismissed at 10:55 a.m. Patrick and I are planning on going out to eat somewhere, and just enjoy the afternoon. Tomorrow evening is the first sectional game for the Crothersville girls basketball team. The game is at Orleans. I want to go, but I'm thinking I'm going to say NO! and try to have a quiet evening at home, only to get up at 6:30 a.m. on Saturday to go run my restaurant the church again. Sunday, I'll be at church service again and will do my elementary youth group at 6:30 p.m.
I haven't turned my page in my planner yet to see what is in store for me for next week. I'm kind of scared to, but maybe it will be less stressful than the last two weeks.
I guess I am glad I quit being a has given me so much more time to do other things. I still for the life of me can't figure out what I was thinking when I said, "I might as well join sorority since I don't have anything else to do on Wednesdays!"
What the heck was I thinkin???
Tuesday, February 05, 2008
It's finally here!
Hopefully this will help me relieve some stress issues that are happening. Heck, this is free and it beats paying a doctor hundreds of dollars and getting a perscription for the little miracle pill.
Stay tuned to see what's next.