Wednesday, January 21, 2009

It's Started

Tuesday was my BIG day. No, I'm not talking about the swearing in of our president Barack. I've heard enough of that the last three days. I'm talking about my first day back to class in about 10 years! It was exciting. One of my best friends asked me if I was nervous. My answer was 'no', but as I was driving to Columbus last night, the closer I got to the school, I will have to admit, I was getting a few butterflies in my stomach.

I was the first to arrive, so I had my choice of the best seat in the room. Just like at church on Sunday, the front row remained open ;-) There are several other ladies in my class. Surprisingly, I'm not the oldest, but I'm not the youngest either. A couple ladies were teachers at Ivy Tech and were attending the class to enhance their skills.

I'm really excited about my new adventure. Added to my already overloaded schedule, I'm now squeezing in six different classes from now until the end of March. Bess is our instructor for the class, and taught us lots of new and different things the very first night! I couldn't believe how quickly the two hours passed. Before I knew it, it was time to go home for the evening.

My next class isn't until next Monday, but I'm ready to go back already!

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