Of course, the Globetrotters I remember, Curly Neal, Meadowlark Lemon, Marques Haynes, and Sweet Lou Dunbar, have since retired and a new team of Globetrotters wear the uniform. Nevertheless, I still enjoyed the Sunday afternoon and actually laughed out loud several times.
Some of the tricks they did several years ago, they still do today. The fans still laugh and enjoy those same tricks. The famous water bucket is still funny today, as it was 35+ years ago. First, one of the Globetrotters wants a drink of water, another player knocks it out of his hand, one of the players decides to go get another drink. This time he gets a bucket of water. Accidentally, it gets thrown in the face of the official. With the official irritated, he begins chasing the Globetrotter. Like always, the Globetrotter gets another bucket of water, and begins chasing the official. As the official ducks, the bucket of water is thrown into the crowd, only it's not water, the bucket is filled with confetti. The crowd 'thinks' they are getting drenched, and duck for cover. Same joke for the past 35+ years, same outcome, same laughter.

The Globetrotters are introduced:

The Globetrotters play their theme song, Sweet Georgia Brown and perform their magic circle:

Just like over 20,000 times before, the Globetrotters beat the Washington Generals 74-69.

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