Tuesday, January 20, 2009


Most Americans, and probably millions of others around the world, had their eyes on the computer screen, or were watching the television somewhere today as Barack Obama was sworn into office as our 44th president of the United States. The conservations I had at lunch today brought back some memories of years ago. Someone, younger than me, made a statement about not remembering past inaugural celebrations.

I remember way back in 1981 when Jimmy Carter was the out-going president and Ronald Reagan was the newly elected president being sworn into office. This was during the Iran hostage crisis, and as Jimmy Carter stood on the steps of the helicopter for his farewell flight as the former president, I recall the news anchor telling us the hostages had just been released from captivity in Iran.

I sit here and wonder about 25-30 years from now, when we have another inauguration celebration, what I will remember about today and what I will be able to share during a lunch conservation.

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