Chrystal wasn't able to make it tonight since her daughter was graduating from pre-school so we had Gena as her sub. Dianna, Linda, Stephanie, Shelley, Sherry and Wanda were ready to go at 6:30 p.m.
Our group plays once a month and we are always laughing and leave feeling refreshed and tried from laughing so hard. Tonight was no different. The sun was shining and had all of us in a good mood . . .

I got a few pictures of the girls rolling the dice . . .



We love getting together and sharing stories and keeping our friendships fresh:

. . . and of course we love to eat!

Tonight we were at Wanda's home and had some great foods and deserts. The 'bunko brew' was pretty awesome too, as always.
This is the recipe to the popular 'bunko brew':
1 lg can pineapple juice
1 sm can frozen orange juice
1 lg can frozen lemonade
1 cup water
1 cup sugarWhiskey to taste
Mix and freeze.
Serve in glass. 1/2 slush and 1/2 Sprite
It is awesome!
At the end of the game we count up our punches on our cards along with our bunko checks. Shelley is usually the Queen of the group, unless Gena is subbing for someone. She is pretty lucky too. So, as usual tonight we had to have a roll off between to two. If I remember correctly, Gena had a four and Shelley rolled a two. Ultimate bunko gift for tonight goes to Gena. Shelley gets the second best.
Shelley tried several times to help me be the Queen, but I couldn't stay with her all night long so I ended up next to last. But, I still got an awesome prize (something I can actually use!) so tonight was an all around success!
Our next get together isn't until August since were are taking off the summer months. It will be a good break, but it will be good to get together again too!
To see photos of all the want-to-be Queens, check out Shelley's blog at:
Stay tuned for more bunko updates!
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