May 19, 1979 at 2:30 in the afternoon. . .
Introduced for the first time as Mr and Mrs Ricci Sweazy:

Ric and I were married in the Uniontown Baptist Church at 2:30 in the afternoon. It was a small, quiet ceremony with only one bridesmaid, Robin Engel and one groomsman, Tony Deaton.
Twenty nine years might seem like a long time ago, but I'd do it all over again, in a heartbeat. Now, I'm not just saying this cause I think Ric might read this. (actually he never gets on the computer...he don't know what he's missing, does he?)
Even though it has been 29 years ago, I can still remember it like it was yesterday.
Our first date was on a cold October evening. Leading up to the date is what you could call a 'priceless' moment.
On Friday and Saturday nights, me and my girlfriend, Terry, would cruise the streets. I remember one particular evening Terry told me she wanted to introduce me to her new boyfriend. We had searched and searched, but couldn't find him. I was beginning to think this was another one of her stories and the imaginary boyfriend. Finally, one evening she spotted him coming out of our local IGA food store. She pulled her car up to him and introduced us. At the time I told Ric I was 16 years old (actually I was 18!) We talked for awhile, then Terry and I left. As the evening wound down, Terry went to her parents house and I got into my car to go home. As I was going home, somehow I ended up on Howard Street, in front or Terry's boyfriends house!
There Ric was, in his front yard, with our future groomsman, Tony. It took me awhile to convience him I was not 16 and in fact I was 18. I think it took him about the same length of time to convience me Terry
was not his girlfriend. After we got all that straight, we made a date for the next Friday night to see a Seymour Owls football game.
Now, Terry and I usually made our plans for the weekend on a Thursday when we picked up our brothers, Tim and Larry, from basketball practice. I remember telling Terry I wasn't sure what I'd be doing on Friday, but if I was going to be in town I'd let her know. When Friday came, my mom went and picked my brother up from basketball practice. Terry asked were I was and my mom said, "She had a date tonight!" "A DATE??" Terry exclaimed, "with WHO?" "Ricci Sweazy," my mother tells her! I think I heard her scream all the way in Seymour!!
Needless to say, Terry and I didn't 'hang out' much after that evening, but of course I wasn't available, because all my waking moments were spent with
my new boyfriend.
Usually every anniversary, Ric and I will have a good laugh about his girlfriend he never knew he had. It's even funnier now as I tell our son, Patrick, Terry could have been his mother instead of me! I always get the same "go to Hell" look from Ric each year!
Happy Anniversary Ric, I love you!