Today we were able to go to the Season's Lodge in Nashville, Indiana to a users meeting for our software. Keystone always puts on a great schooling with their latest updates and answer questions we might have about year-end procedures. Today was a little different, as it was our first time to Nashville. We are usually at the Holiday Inn in Columbus. There were some problems, so Keystone booked the Season's Lodge.
I wasn't disappointed.
We arrived shortly before 8:00AM and enjoyed a continental breakfast. I had a bowl of fresh fruit and a glass of apple juice. Also available was danish rolls, blue berry muffins, donuts, orange and grape juice.
After Keystone's introductions, we were off to our first class with Cathy Stewart. She is an accountant who knows all the secrets which helps make my job easier with payroll, W2's, insurance and all the questions concerning deductions, comp time, clothing allowances, etc.
From there we are off to a payroll class. Keystone consultants are always helpful and willing to find the answer for your questions if they don't know the answers. Today, all may questions were answered! ;-)
From there, it's off to lunch. The food was awesome! Salad with mushrooms, egg, cheese, tomatoes, dressings, slaw, cottage cheese, fried chicken, ham, mashed potatoes, gravy, green beans, rolls and apple cobbler for dessert. I had a little bit everything except the roll and dessert and if they were anything like the rest of the food, I'm sorry I missed it...all of it was delicious!
After lunch we headed to the budget class. Since I don't do too much with the budget software, I decided I'd go to the restroom once the class got started.
Most of the users present were women. A few men were in attendance, but the line to the women's restroom was usually long. Once the class started, I figured most would be done and the wait would be minimal.
I was right!
When I entered the restroom, all three (yes only 3!) stalls were full. One lady was waiting in front of me. Shortly after I entered the restroom, a lady emerged from the stall, walked past me and out the door. That's right. She came out of the stall, where the toilet is, walked passed me AND the sink, out the door! GASP! I only had to wait a few seconds until someone was done and it was my time to enter. As I was sitting there, I noticed how quiet it was. There were two other women in the restroom with me, but all was quiet.
Pretty soon the quiet got even quieter! That's right...I didn't hear any water running, no soap being dispensed, no hand towels being used! As the woman beside me flushed and opened her stall door....more quiet! Still no water running, nothing.
Just quiet!
The stall to the left of me was for the handicapped. This stall had it's own sink. Finally, I heard the sound of running water! Finally! When I came out of the stall, I made my way to the sink, washed and dried my hands. To my amazement, another lady came out of her stall, walked passed me and out the door.
I couldn't believe what I had just witnessed in less than 5 minutes. These women had just used the toilet, flushed, and walked out of the restroom without washing their hands!
I guess it was a good thing we had already ate lunch, but then I got thinking...I wonder how many women went to the restroom
before lunch?
Sometimes I wonder what women are thinking!