Saturday, October 10, 2009

A Blast From the Past

This week a friend from school paid me a visit. His son works at the school in maintenance. The school recently demolished a barn that was probably used for storage more than anything else. The contents of the barn was moved before barn was torn down and evidently some of the contents were getting thrown away. My friend said he found something and knew exactly where it belonged.


When he handed me the envelope with the above picture on the front, I didn't really realize what I was looking at. As soon as I turned it over I knew exactly what I was looking at.


Notice the name at the top.


I knew this belonged to my brother, from a few years ago. Actually, it would be way back in 1974-75 era. When I opened up the prize and seen the contents inside I had to smile.


I remember my brother playing the drums during the boys basketball games and doing a solo to the song, "Hawaii Five-O". The song "In-A-Gadda-Da-Vida" and the theme from "Mission Impossible" was also some great music. I can't read music, but I'm sure if I heard the songs "Something" and "The Horse" I would know the song as soon as I heard the music.


It's funny how some things from the past you just never forget and it only takes a little picture to recapture some great memories!


Shelley said...

This is so awesome! I couldn't remember 'The Horse' either, so I looked it up, listened, and REMEMBERED! Here it is...

Something -- is that The Beatles song I wonder?

Alisa said...

The sheet music says Something by George Harrison, arranged by Bill Russell, copyright 1969! The Horse, by Doug Ingle, arranged by Joel Leach.

Thanks for the link!