Wednesday, October 14, 2009

80's Day

This week at our local junior/senior high school the students are participating in Spirit Week. Always the week of a sports sectional the entire week the students do crazy things to show their spirit for the particular sporting event. This week it's volleyball. The events for this week include, pajama day, camo day, 80's/neon day, multiplicity day/twin day, (trying to get as many people to dress alike as possible) and Friday caps it off with red and white day.

I don't remember all the things we dressed like on spirit week, but I do remember red/white day and dress like your favorite TV character day. (That day, my best friend Robin and I dressed like the stars from Rescue 911). We also had 50's day.

To me, the 50's were easy to duplicate. Bright red lipstick, skirts with poodle dogs on them, bobbie socks, greased back hair, you know like John Travolta and Olivia Newton-John in the movie Grease. That time was easy to come up with ideas.

Patrick comes home Monday with a sheet of paper telling me what the week consists of. Today, Wednesday was 80's day. What? Did we do something in the 80's that is so different from what the kids do know? I mean, come on! Compare the 50's to the 70's and look at the difference! Spirit week in the 70's was easy.

For the 80's (which don't seem that long ago...) the paper said to wear bright colors and your glam jewelry. (don't kids still do that today?)

Anyhow this is what Patrick came up with...


I DO NOT recall anyone looking like this in the 80's (DID WE?)


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