Sunday, December 30, 2012

Peace and Quiet and Beautiful

The peace and quiet of the gently fallen snow is breathtaking. I like to just stand here and look around at all the quiet and thank the Lord for His beauty. Two snowfalls in late December equals around seven inches here in southern Indiana. It's been a few years since we have had some measurable snow. Looking at the tree branches and how it's fallen so delicately is fascinating.

As a kid I remember my mom telling my brothers and I not to be in the front yard, trampling through the blanket of snow, so when she looked out the picture window it would still be untouched. Sometimes we listened and sometime we forgot! I find myself thinking along those same lines...Don't touch it! Let it be like this forever!

However, we do turn into kids again once there is a measurable snow and can't wait to get out and play, go sledding, build a snowman, make snow angels, etc.

Weather forecast is calling for 2-3 more inches in the next couple days. Ahhh, more peace and quiet and beauty!

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