Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Let's Schedule A Visit

Starting the morning at 6AM, laundry in the washing machine by 6:15. Through the kitchen I unload the dishwasher and if anything is dirty in the sink, I load it into the dishwasher. As I continue to get ready for work and listen to the news, I wake up Patrick so he can get started with his day. At 6:45 I take the washed laundry out of the washer and put it into the dryer and start another load of laundry, if there is any. As I continue to get ready, I usually eat a cup of cherry yogurt. I fix me a large cup of water and out the door by, and most times before 7:30. Working 8 hours and (hopefully) done by 4:30PM to rush home, shower and dress again for a basketball game. Meeting my friends at 4:50 to pick up their son from a practice and on the road to an away game. Returning to Crothersville at 10:15 as soon as I get home I remove the clothes from the dryer, fold them and put them away. If anything is in the washer I place it in the dryer, make my way to the kitchen, finish filling the dishwasher and start it. Sometimes I'll cook a meal to have it ready for my boys when they get home from their day tomorrow. Sitting down at 11PM to watch the daily news to see if I've missed anything in the world for the day. Opening the mail and reading the paper or magazines to catch up on the latest happenings. Usually by midnight I'm winding down, only to start the whole process over the next day. Complaining? Never. I wouldn't change a thing! However, if you're pissed because I've not visited with you for awhile, let's schedule a late lunch date. How's 1:30AM work for ya? I'm free and available then, I think! ;)

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