For the life of me, I don't remember the things they are talking about. I guess at the time it wasn't as much fun for me as it was for them, or I just have simply forgotten. Before I go to sleep each night I am usually thinking about something from the past that has happened, either good or bad, but something I have remembered.
Last night was no different. Before I drifted off to never never land, I remembered the time our bestest neighbors across the street invited us over for a game of cards. It was the card game Skip-Bo.

I am not going to waste time explaining how the game is played, that's not what's funny. It is a partner game and me and the female neighbor always took on the men. Of course, we never won because the men always cheated. Always!
This particular night we had had enough of losing at every card game we attempted to play with them. As we set at the table and the men were lining up their cards 1 through 13, we shouted at the men they were cheating. Of course, they denied it. I made the male neighbor repeat 10 times he was not a cheater before I would believe him.
Now, in order for this to be funny, you have to close your eyes, pretend you are in the most southernness state there is, have your southern drawl, and very slowly repeat 10 times in a row,
I did not do that, I did not do that, I did not do that, I did not do that, I did not do that,I did not do that, I did not do that, I did not do that, I did not do that, I did not do that.
By the time he was done repeating it 10 times we were laughing so hard, we didn't care if they were cheating or not! I'm sure we lost the game, I don't remember.
Today, some 30+ years later, Ric or I can say 'I did not do that' and still laugh about it. The neighbors across the street no longer live there, but I'm still friends with them and once in awhile I'll ask them if they want to play a game of Skip-Bo, to which they will say, 'I did not do that!'
1 comment:
I dead naut dooo thaaa-ut.
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