I can't count the many times someone has called the office asking for a telephone number. Usually I have the number on the tip of my tongue and I quickly tell the party on the other line. I can't count the many times the party on the other line says, "Wait! Hang on a minute and let me get a pencil and paper to write the number down!"
My question is why don't they already have a paper and pencil ready to write down the number if that is the only reason they are calling to begin with?
Guess they don't think about it, ugh!
Finally, they find a paper and pencil. I repeat the number again, 793. WAIT! WAIT! WHAT? 793 I say again. WAIT! 7..........9.........3........
What is the world coming too?
Thursday, July 31, 2008
Wednesday, July 30, 2008
Fair Week
The last week of July was the Jackson County Fair. It's always sad when it ends, because it means school starts right afterwards! This year there weren't that many events that took place in the Grandstands. Even though, we still made our way to Brownstown for three nights. On Tuesday we enjoyed the demo derby.

We've seen better demo's in the past, but this year we got to see a car catch on fire and the Vernon Township Volunteer Fire Department was on hand to pull the guy to safety. It was a scary moment, but all turned out for the best.
The driver was on fire as he was pulled from his wrecked car, but the quick thinking of the firemen, he was safe before he received any burns. It was a scary moment for the driver, I'm sure, but even more scary for the little ones in the crowd:

The stands were packed with hundreds of cheering fans who enjoyed the competition:

The mini cars were the best. The first class that really didn't have any rules, it was just run around and ram into each other. There was only one van that showed up, so there wasn't a class for them. I think I will attempt to purchase a junk van and possibly enter the contest next year! The third class had had about 18 cars entered, so it was a tad crowded.

On Wednesday night we headed back to the fair in the afternoon. We finally got to view almost all the buildings, signed up for a few give aways (I'm still waiting on my call to tell me I'm a winner of something!) The entertainment for Wednesday evening was the popular truck and tractor pull. There was only one Ford entry in the 4-wheel drive division, but...the Ford held tough and claimed a first place! Woot!!
In the tractor divisions, the big red Internationals held off the green John Deere's to claim first place! Woot! Woot!

Patrick thought he had the best seat in the house:

The Jackson County Fair Queen and her court sat right in front of him after they were introduced. Sadly they were there only a short time as their duties for the evening took them elsewhere at the fair grounds.
Well, Patrick thought the pulls was the best show during the fair...for the first 45 minutes anyway! ;-)

We've seen better demo's in the past, but this year we got to see a car catch on fire and the Vernon Township Volunteer Fire Department was on hand to pull the guy to safety. It was a scary moment, but all turned out for the best.
The driver was on fire as he was pulled from his wrecked car, but the quick thinking of the firemen, he was safe before he received any burns. It was a scary moment for the driver, I'm sure, but even more scary for the little ones in the crowd:

The stands were packed with hundreds of cheering fans who enjoyed the competition:

The mini cars were the best. The first class that really didn't have any rules, it was just run around and ram into each other. There was only one van that showed up, so there wasn't a class for them. I think I will attempt to purchase a junk van and possibly enter the contest next year! The third class had had about 18 cars entered, so it was a tad crowded.

On Wednesday night we headed back to the fair in the afternoon. We finally got to view almost all the buildings, signed up for a few give aways (I'm still waiting on my call to tell me I'm a winner of something!) The entertainment for Wednesday evening was the popular truck and tractor pull. There was only one Ford entry in the 4-wheel drive division, but...the Ford held tough and claimed a first place! Woot!!
In the tractor divisions, the big red Internationals held off the green John Deere's to claim first place! Woot! Woot!

Patrick thought he had the best seat in the house:

The Jackson County Fair Queen and her court sat right in front of him after they were introduced. Sadly they were there only a short time as their duties for the evening took them elsewhere at the fair grounds.
Well, Patrick thought the pulls was the best show during the fair...for the first 45 minutes anyway! ;-)
Patrick is 14
Saturday, July 26, 2008, at 7:09 a.m. Patrick turned 14 years old. We celebrated his birthday with a trip to Clifty Falls State Park. Patrick took his two friends with him and collected some sun rays in the afternoon:

As we made our way to eat after a fun filled day of swimming, we came across this resting place that the boys thought was simply beautiful:

We finally made it to Pondersoa in Madison and Patrick enjoyed an ice cream sunday as his dessert:

Whew! It was an exhausting day, but one he'll always remember!

As we made our way to eat after a fun filled day of swimming, we came across this resting place that the boys thought was simply beautiful:

We finally made it to Pondersoa in Madison and Patrick enjoyed an ice cream sunday as his dessert:

Whew! It was an exhausting day, but one he'll always remember!

Tuesday, July 15, 2008
Old days...
Recently, Patrick and his two friends, Conner and Parker, were taking golf lessons in Seymour. Picking them up after their lesson we headed to Sonic for something cool to drink.
As we were sitting in the truck we seen some of the help coming to work. The boys got tickled as the passenger got out of the car with roller skates on. These boys just knew in the 'old days' this was the way the customers got their order at a drive-in restaurant!
How did they remember that?? I don't remember those old days and I'm the mother!
As we sat in the truck waiting on our order to be brought to us, we talked about the 'old days' these 9-13 year old boys seemed to be so familiar with, then I had to laugh to myself when Conner said, "Ahhh...these days were popular back then."
As we were sitting in the truck we seen some of the help coming to work. The boys got tickled as the passenger got out of the car with roller skates on. These boys just knew in the 'old days' this was the way the customers got their order at a drive-in restaurant!
How did they remember that?? I don't remember those old days and I'm the mother!
As we sat in the truck waiting on our order to be brought to us, we talked about the 'old days' these 9-13 year old boys seemed to be so familiar with, then I had to laugh to myself when Conner said, "Ahhh...these days were popular back then."

Most of all...remain calm!
Ever have one of those events that is about to happen, something you have no control over, and yet you can't figure out what the outcome will be? Ugh! I hate the feeling of helplessness!
My two besties just told me to remain calm, confront the issues, remain calm and most of all remain calm at all times.
Well, that is what I'm prepared to do...remain calm, confront, listen and continue to remain calm. Hopefully, I can do just that.
For extra help I think I will finish up here and say a little prayer for guidance!
My two besties just told me to remain calm, confront the issues, remain calm and most of all remain calm at all times.
Well, that is what I'm prepared to do...remain calm, confront, listen and continue to remain calm. Hopefully, I can do just that.
For extra help I think I will finish up here and say a little prayer for guidance!
Sunday, July 13, 2008
Vacation Time
Our time at Hidden Mountain was so relaxing and peaceful we did not want to leave there. The flowers were in full bloom outside of the Hidden Mountain Lodge:

It was easy to meet new people and make friends quickly. Patrick would usually find someone to play with. The people we met on Tuesday were from North Carolina and liked to play football. They didn't care that Patrick wanted to catch some too:

It was an easy way to cool off on a hot day in Tennessee:

The pool was outside (!) and simply beautiful AND peaceful!

Our cabin in the mountains was also beautiful, quiet and peaceful:

This was our cabin from Monday till Friday. It is also for sale. For as little as $220,000 you can own this:

A nice roomy living room just off from a fully equipped kitchen. You can see the stairs to the left of the picture leading up to the open loft which had a king size bed, a second bathroom with a huge whirlpool tub and a shower:

No trick photography here, it is just a quick picture Patrick took out the back window with my iPhone as we were going through the tunnel:

I love Tennessee, the people are so friendly, the views are beautiful everywhere you look and it is just so relaxing to be there!

It was easy to meet new people and make friends quickly. Patrick would usually find someone to play with. The people we met on Tuesday were from North Carolina and liked to play football. They didn't care that Patrick wanted to catch some too:

It was an easy way to cool off on a hot day in Tennessee:

The pool was outside (!) and simply beautiful AND peaceful!

Our cabin in the mountains was also beautiful, quiet and peaceful:

This was our cabin from Monday till Friday. It is also for sale. For as little as $220,000 you can own this:

A nice roomy living room just off from a fully equipped kitchen. You can see the stairs to the left of the picture leading up to the open loft which had a king size bed, a second bathroom with a huge whirlpool tub and a shower:

No trick photography here, it is just a quick picture Patrick took out the back window with my iPhone as we were going through the tunnel:

I love Tennessee, the people are so friendly, the views are beautiful everywhere you look and it is just so relaxing to be there!

Friday, July 11, 2008
It's a guy thing...
Ok, I don't understand it...
First of all, we are all safe and sound, back home again in Indiana. You won't hear me tooting my horn because after being in the beautiful state of Tennessee, Indiana just doesn't do much for me. I'll eventually settle down and learn to like it here again soon, but my first chance I get, I'll be back in Tennessee!
We got on the road before 9 a.m. like I wanted. It was 8:54 a.m. when we got in the truck and left our cabin. We stopped at Walgreens because I needed some new sunglasses. Mine had gotten lost on the tubing ride we had taken earlier, so I need a new pair before leaving sunny Tennessee.
From there we stopped at a place called Flapjacks. I was going to take a picture of the food we ordered, but we were running short on time and the food looked too good when it was brought to us, I was half way done with my breakfast and realized I hadn't taken a picture! It was good AND pretty!
We left there, got gas for $3.78 a gallon at Kroger and headed north to Indiana. I had estimated we would arrive in Madison for Patrick's ball game at 4:15 p.m. We made excellent time and were sitting in Subway in Madison at 3:45 p.m. After we ate our late lunch we headed to the Madison High School baseball field. Patrick changed into his uniform and we waited under a shade tree for the rest of the team. About 5:20 the rest of his team showed up. But, there was a problem. Game time was scheduled for 6:00 p.m. and at 5:30 p.m. the other team still had showed up! Finally, Coach Chris called someone who called someone and had the Madison coach call him. HE was showing cattle at the county fair!!! HE had forgotten about the game scheduled for this evening! So, instead of playing Madison, we loaded the team back in the vehicles and headed for Crothersville for practice.
We hadn't been home yet from Tennessee, so we told the team we would meet them at the field after we stopped by the house first.
We eventually made it home from Madison without any problems. Thanks to the good Lord for answered prayers! When I pulled into the driveway and looked around at everything that had growed and bloomed since we had left 9 days earlier. I got out of the truck and couldn't wait to get inside. I opened the screen door and could smell an order coming from inside. It smelled like something soured. I immediately asked Ric if he had taken the trash out? I thought I might have left some food in the trash and it had spoiled. When I unlocked the family room door, I could tell it wasn't trash. I asked Ric if he had flipped the breakers to the electric box off and he said, "I shut some of them off, why?" Well, just as I had thought, he shut the breaker off to the refridgerator!
Now, the next time you go to your fridge, take a good look at it, I mean a really long, hard look at it. I'm telling you there are cracks and crevices where thawed juices can run that are unimaginable!
I took Patrick to practice and returned to clean up the mess. We mopped and scrubbed and sprayed and soaked the entire fridge to where it looks like I have a brand new one! ;-) We had a few items we brought back from Tennessee, but I have nothing for breakfast in the morning.
You are probably wondering why the title of this blog is 'It's a guy thing' Well, I don't understand why there is a need to turn off the electric when we are gone. Patrick seems to think it is because if someone breaks in at night, while we are gone, they won't be able to turn on the lights to see what they want to steal, hmmm? Makes sense, I guess. It is funny to watch my family prepare for vacation. If the windows and doors and locks are checked once, I bet they are checked a dozen times. All switches need to be in the off position, if something is plugged in, it must be unplugged, PLUS the breaker is also in the off position. In the past I've tried to change my wonderful husband from being so insane about all of this, but nothing as worked. I just make sure I have packed what is needed and leave him to his chores.
I bet this lesson has spoken louder than any words I could ever say to him!
First of all, we are all safe and sound, back home again in Indiana. You won't hear me tooting my horn because after being in the beautiful state of Tennessee, Indiana just doesn't do much for me. I'll eventually settle down and learn to like it here again soon, but my first chance I get, I'll be back in Tennessee!
We got on the road before 9 a.m. like I wanted. It was 8:54 a.m. when we got in the truck and left our cabin. We stopped at Walgreens because I needed some new sunglasses. Mine had gotten lost on the tubing ride we had taken earlier, so I need a new pair before leaving sunny Tennessee.
From there we stopped at a place called Flapjacks. I was going to take a picture of the food we ordered, but we were running short on time and the food looked too good when it was brought to us, I was half way done with my breakfast and realized I hadn't taken a picture! It was good AND pretty!
We left there, got gas for $3.78 a gallon at Kroger and headed north to Indiana. I had estimated we would arrive in Madison for Patrick's ball game at 4:15 p.m. We made excellent time and were sitting in Subway in Madison at 3:45 p.m. After we ate our late lunch we headed to the Madison High School baseball field. Patrick changed into his uniform and we waited under a shade tree for the rest of the team. About 5:20 the rest of his team showed up. But, there was a problem. Game time was scheduled for 6:00 p.m. and at 5:30 p.m. the other team still had showed up! Finally, Coach Chris called someone who called someone and had the Madison coach call him. HE was showing cattle at the county fair!!! HE had forgotten about the game scheduled for this evening! So, instead of playing Madison, we loaded the team back in the vehicles and headed for Crothersville for practice.
We hadn't been home yet from Tennessee, so we told the team we would meet them at the field after we stopped by the house first.
We eventually made it home from Madison without any problems. Thanks to the good Lord for answered prayers! When I pulled into the driveway and looked around at everything that had growed and bloomed since we had left 9 days earlier. I got out of the truck and couldn't wait to get inside. I opened the screen door and could smell an order coming from inside. It smelled like something soured. I immediately asked Ric if he had taken the trash out? I thought I might have left some food in the trash and it had spoiled. When I unlocked the family room door, I could tell it wasn't trash. I asked Ric if he had flipped the breakers to the electric box off and he said, "I shut some of them off, why?" Well, just as I had thought, he shut the breaker off to the refridgerator!
Now, the next time you go to your fridge, take a good look at it, I mean a really long, hard look at it. I'm telling you there are cracks and crevices where thawed juices can run that are unimaginable!
I took Patrick to practice and returned to clean up the mess. We mopped and scrubbed and sprayed and soaked the entire fridge to where it looks like I have a brand new one! ;-) We had a few items we brought back from Tennessee, but I have nothing for breakfast in the morning.
You are probably wondering why the title of this blog is 'It's a guy thing' Well, I don't understand why there is a need to turn off the electric when we are gone. Patrick seems to think it is because if someone breaks in at night, while we are gone, they won't be able to turn on the lights to see what they want to steal, hmmm? Makes sense, I guess. It is funny to watch my family prepare for vacation. If the windows and doors and locks are checked once, I bet they are checked a dozen times. All switches need to be in the off position, if something is plugged in, it must be unplugged, PLUS the breaker is also in the off position. In the past I've tried to change my wonderful husband from being so insane about all of this, but nothing as worked. I just make sure I have packed what is needed and leave him to his chores.
I bet this lesson has spoken louder than any words I could ever say to him!
Thursday, July 10, 2008
Good Times
We left the Econo Lodge on Monday morning after being there since Thursday evening. I was ready to leave Friday morning, but I hadn't talked Ric into it yet. So, on Sunday afternoon when Ric mentioned calling Hidden Mountain Resorts, I couldn't dial the number fast enough. If you ever come to Tennessee make sure to check out the cabins here. I am sure you will enjoy your stay here and be relaxed the whole time. Their website is www.hiddenmountain.com
We are staying in cabin number 4075, which is almost to the top of the mountain. It is an interesting but beautiful drive to our cabin. I will post some pictures on my blog when I get back home. I'm typing this with my iPhone and I dont have the time to put in the effort to post the photos at this time. I'm too busy relaxing ;-)
This is our third time in two years to stay here and i have already picked out our cabin I'd like to rent for next years summer vacation. Today Patrick and I are setting by the pool listening to a great radio station, i103.5. It is better than 106.1 at home! They are playing some great rock n roll and the other sun bathers are asking Patrick to "turn it up!"
We have to leave Friday morning to head back to reality. Patrick has a baseball game in Madison Friday evening so we have to be there for the team! Our plans are to be packed tonight, get up in the morning, shower and be on the road before 9.
Check back soon, I'll have some great pictures posted!
We are staying in cabin number 4075, which is almost to the top of the mountain. It is an interesting but beautiful drive to our cabin. I will post some pictures on my blog when I get back home. I'm typing this with my iPhone and I dont have the time to put in the effort to post the photos at this time. I'm too busy relaxing ;-)
This is our third time in two years to stay here and i have already picked out our cabin I'd like to rent for next years summer vacation. Today Patrick and I are setting by the pool listening to a great radio station, i103.5. It is better than 106.1 at home! They are playing some great rock n roll and the other sun bathers are asking Patrick to "turn it up!"
We have to leave Friday morning to head back to reality. Patrick has a baseball game in Madison Friday evening so we have to be there for the team! Our plans are to be packed tonight, get up in the morning, shower and be on the road before 9.
Check back soon, I'll have some great pictures posted!
Sunday, July 06, 2008
Football in the parking lot
Tonight is our last night at Econo Lodge (YIPPIE!) Tomorrow were are headed to a cabin in Hidden Mountain and for me it won't come quick enough. Patrick had fun our last night here. Ric and Patrick went down stairs to play some pitch and catch with a basebal since Patrick has missed two practices and will probably miss two more before his next game on Friday, so any little bit of practice he gets with a baseball in his hand is benificial.
After I got our bags packed of everything except what we will need for in the morning, I made my way downstairs to enjoy the last evening by the river while watching the boys play baseball.
Boy, was I surprised when I got downstairs! Ric was sitting on the picnic all stretched out, relaxing and Patrick was playing FOOTBALL! He was fun to watch. Half way through the game, the girl (quarterback) and the boys poised for a picture.
See if you can find Patrick in the next two pictures:

Patrick says this has been the best day of our vacation yet!
After I got our bags packed of everything except what we will need for in the morning, I made my way downstairs to enjoy the last evening by the river while watching the boys play baseball.
Boy, was I surprised when I got downstairs! Ric was sitting on the picnic all stretched out, relaxing and Patrick was playing FOOTBALL! He was fun to watch. Half way through the game, the girl (quarterback) and the boys poised for a picture.
See if you can find Patrick in the next two pictures:

Patrick says this has been the best day of our vacation yet!
Strange photo
Ok, as we were up in the Smoky Mountains on Sunday afternoon, I ran across a very strange sight. When traveling, I like to look at the traffic and the licence plates of the other cars. In this certain parking lot I found something I can not explain:

Now, I'm not a SEC fan, a Kentucky Wildcat fan or a Tennessee Vol's fan. But, I'm a basketball fan and I know enough to know this picture is just wrong!
It would be like a Hoosier with a Buckeye plate or a fighting Illini plate. IT would be WRONG!
I don't know the owner of the vehicle or know what they were thinking. I'm sure this person has some sort of disorder and I didn't want to wait around to find out! ;-)

Now, I'm not a SEC fan, a Kentucky Wildcat fan or a Tennessee Vol's fan. But, I'm a basketball fan and I know enough to know this picture is just wrong!
It would be like a Hoosier with a Buckeye plate or a fighting Illini plate. IT would be WRONG!
I don't know the owner of the vehicle or know what they were thinking. I'm sure this person has some sort of disorder and I didn't want to wait around to find out! ;-)
More vacation information
Well, we are still at the Econo Lodge in Pigeon Forge, Tennessee. Our day starts out with their free breakfast. It isn't too bad and it's free. I usually get the brown sugar or cinnamon oatmeal. It is one of my favorite breakfast foods:

Ric gets his usual fruit bowl:

and Patrick loves his fruit loops:

...we found out the ducks at the river love the fruit loops too!
Today we headed out of Pigeon Forge into Gatlinburg. This morning the traffic wasn't bad at all. The driving was much easier and I could actually snap a few photos too:

After we got to Gatlinburg, we went up into the Smoky Mountains and got some beautiful mountain shots:

If you can't tell...I absolutely love it here!

Ric gets his usual fruit bowl:

and Patrick loves his fruit loops:

...we found out the ducks at the river love the fruit loops too!
Today we headed out of Pigeon Forge into Gatlinburg. This morning the traffic wasn't bad at all. The driving was much easier and I could actually snap a few photos too:

After we got to Gatlinburg, we went up into the Smoky Mountains and got some beautiful mountain shots:

If you can't tell...I absolutely love it here!
Friday, July 04, 2008
Pictures of relaxation
This is a picture of our indoor pool at Econo Lodge in Pigeon Forge:

I do not like indoor pools, not in July anyhow. To me it is just like a large hot water bathtub. Swimming is an outdoor sport in July. Now if there was a foot of snow outside and -10 degrees, I'd be in the large bathtub, not when it's 90 degrees outside!
Here is where I swim:

Patrick and Ric are feeding the ducks that expect to be fed when the people are around. The water is cool in the river, which makes the 90 degree weather not so bad!
This photo was taken after 8:30 p.m. Econo Lodge has several picnic tables along the river with charcoal grills located by the tables. Tomorrow I will be grilling some juicy hamburgers, feeding the ducks and enjoying the sunshine...OUTSIDE!

Check back for more pictures of our vacation ;-)

I do not like indoor pools, not in July anyhow. To me it is just like a large hot water bathtub. Swimming is an outdoor sport in July. Now if there was a foot of snow outside and -10 degrees, I'd be in the large bathtub, not when it's 90 degrees outside!
Here is where I swim:

Patrick and Ric are feeding the ducks that expect to be fed when the people are around. The water is cool in the river, which makes the 90 degree weather not so bad!
This photo was taken after 8:30 p.m. Econo Lodge has several picnic tables along the river with charcoal grills located by the tables. Tomorrow I will be grilling some juicy hamburgers, feeding the ducks and enjoying the sunshine...OUTSIDE!

Check back for more pictures of our vacation ;-)
Relaxation begins
Vacation in Tennessee started out great. I made all the right turns, hit my exits without having to drive farther and make u-turns and made excellent time. Our hotel room was a different story. We got to Econo Lodge around 6:30 p.m. Right off I noticed a leak in the ceiling, coming down the wall, and bubbling the paint. It was coming from above us, leaking in the bathroom and the sink beside the bathroom. Assuming the room above us is layed out exactly like ours, we figured the leak was from the restroom on the second level.
Ric gets on the phone and calls the office. Right away a maintenace man is knocking at our door. His first words out of his mouth, "Is it that pesty leak again?" He walks over to the sink, looks up and sees the water coming from the ceiling, down the wall and says, "I'll go upstairs and see what is going on." We wait in our room.
Thirty minutes go by and we hear nothing. By this time the bubble in the paint has grown and water is now running on the counter top, yellow water! Ric gets on the phone again and calls the office and asks what's going on. Again, in a few minutes the handy, dandy maintenance man is knocking at the door. "It's getting worse, huh?" He tells us he cannot figure out where it's coming from because above us is total concrete. He tells us he will go upstairs again to see if he can find something. Again, we wait.
Hearing nothing for another 1/2 hour, Ric and Patrick go to the office and demand another room. First the hotel clerk tells them there is nothing available, but after Ric tells them we want a refund, a room instantly becomes available!
Ric and Patrick come back to the leaky room and we load our suitcases back on the cart and head upstairs to our new room. I took one last look at the leaking ceiling, running down the wall onto the counter top. It was getting nasty! As I go to turn the light off in the bathroom, I look up at the light...IT IS FULL OF WATER and you can see it still dripping down from above!
We got to our new room. It was cool AND dry! We unpacked out bags, ordered pizza from Jeno's and watched the Twilight Zone on cable....Ahhh, our relaxation adventure begins!
Ric gets on the phone and calls the office. Right away a maintenace man is knocking at our door. His first words out of his mouth, "Is it that pesty leak again?" He walks over to the sink, looks up and sees the water coming from the ceiling, down the wall and says, "I'll go upstairs and see what is going on." We wait in our room.
Thirty minutes go by and we hear nothing. By this time the bubble in the paint has grown and water is now running on the counter top, yellow water! Ric gets on the phone again and calls the office and asks what's going on. Again, in a few minutes the handy, dandy maintenance man is knocking at the door. "It's getting worse, huh?" He tells us he cannot figure out where it's coming from because above us is total concrete. He tells us he will go upstairs again to see if he can find something. Again, we wait.
Hearing nothing for another 1/2 hour, Ric and Patrick go to the office and demand another room. First the hotel clerk tells them there is nothing available, but after Ric tells them we want a refund, a room instantly becomes available!
Ric and Patrick come back to the leaky room and we load our suitcases back on the cart and head upstairs to our new room. I took one last look at the leaking ceiling, running down the wall onto the counter top. It was getting nasty! As I go to turn the light off in the bathroom, I look up at the light...IT IS FULL OF WATER and you can see it still dripping down from above!
We got to our new room. It was cool AND dry! We unpacked out bags, ordered pizza from Jeno's and watched the Twilight Zone on cable....Ahhh, our relaxation adventure begins!
Tuesday, July 01, 2008
It's getting close to July 4th and for me, that means v-a-c-a-t-i-o-n! That spells relaxation and I can't wait! I will be sure to be back to the real world soon and will have pictures to update everyone with what transpires in the next week or so. Yes, it will include some baseball games, what would a vacation be with out 'em?
I have plenty of ideas for some (great) stories, so... happy trails to everyone... I'll return soon!
I have plenty of ideas for some (great) stories, so... happy trails to everyone... I'll return soon!
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