Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Day 30 About To Start!

What have you been doing for the past 30 days? I've been keeping up-to-date with the Casey Anthony trial in Orlando, Florida. For those of you out of the loop, Casey is the mother accused of killing her 2-year old daughter, Caylee Marie in 2008. For 31 days Casey told no one about her missing daughter. It wasn't until Casey's mother Cindy finally found Casey and started asking questions that Casey admitted she had not seen her daughter Caylee for a month!


The above link will give you a complete update on the case from day one.

Day 30, which is today, finds the State of Florida about to wrap up the case against Ms. Anthony. I feel it's too soon. There is so much information they have not shared with the jury, but hopefully what they have shared will be enough to convict Casey of this horrible crime.

I took a break from watching the case this past Saturday. (day 27) The previous night I had a dream during the night I was out searching for Caylee's body. I was going through the woods, looking for any signs of the little 2-year old. About the time I spotted what appeared to be Caylee, my dream shifted to the courtroom. I was seated in the witness seat answering questions from Jeff Ashton! My dream sifted again as Jose Baez, lead attorney for the defense, started to question me. Along with the other jurors, I was seated in the jury listening to the testimony of a expert witness!

I never got to complete my dream because I was startled by the alarm going off. I thought after my restless night of dreaming about this case, I'd better take a day away from it, but little did I know, I was going to get a break on Monday also. Yesterday the State needed to quit early since their next witness would not be coming to Florida till this afternoon.

I wish it was 1:00PM and Judge Belvin Perry was bringing in the jury! I've had my 'break' and I'm ready to get back to hearing this case against Ms. Anthony! I'll be sure to post when the trial is over and let you know the outcome...unless I dream it first!

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