Tuesday, March 09, 2010

Appreciate the Little Things in Life

It is amazing how the littlest things in life can make you smile or absolutely laugh out loud. Sometimes I find something interesting on the web or receive an email from my favorite cousin in Louisville, Kentucky, and just can’t wait to share it with my closest friends.

Today was one of those days.

I called my friend Shelley during my lunch and just hearing her voice made me smile and laugh out loud. I was actually smiling as I was dialing her number, just anticipating her answering.

I had shared an email with her earlier today and I just couldn’t wait to call her and comment on her response. Shelley was also eating her lunch and laughing as she answered the phone.

Laughter is contagious too. As I was laughing out loud, my daily lunch partners, Mark and Leslie, were getting a good laugh too. All of us were feeling pretty darn good today.

As I type this post I can’t help but still have the smile on my face and occasionally let out a chuckle or two just thinking about the topics of conservation today.

As I normally say on my facebook page status, “Life is good today”, today life IS good!

Thanks friends!

1 comment:

Shelley said...

You're welcome. :-)