After trying several times and getting different responses and outcomes with each attempt, I decide to call the 1-800 number provided. I wish I had one dollar for each time I heard,
"We are experiencing an unusual
busy period. Your call is very
important to us. Your call will
be answered in the order it was
received. Your estimated wait
time is less than....
30 minutes"
30 minutes!!! Wow! I did wait, but it was longer than any 30 minutes!

I was debating weather to let them know they need to re-record their message because the wait time was well over 30 minutes! But, I didn't.
In the best southern Georgia voice the lady on the other end of the line says, "May I have your telephone number, can you verify the name on the account, can you verify the address. Thank you and and I apologize for any inconvenience, how may I help you today?"
I explain to her about my email situation and she is quick to respond by telling me the server for them is down right now and they are quickly working on a solution and everything should be resolved by tomorrow. Until then I will not be able to do anything.
"Is there anything else I can assist you with today?" asks my southern Georgia friend. "No, not today, but if I have to call back tomorrow if I am still experiencing problems, is there a direct line I could call since I've been on the line for 58 minutes and 17 seconds?" I ask.
Again, she is very sorry and apologetic for any inconvenience and problems I am having, but at this time, there is only the one number. Great! Hopefully I won't have to call them tomorrow!
Since I had nothing else, she completed the ticket and thanked me for calling. "You have a blessed day," she said.
As soon as I got off the phone, I check my email. To my surprise I had a new message:

Hmmm, pretty quick, huh?
With any luck, the server will be up and running tomorrow...I'll keep you posted!