Wednesday, August 13, 2008

It happened again!

I just attended my third meeting in just as many days and again I walked away with another title behind my name!

Today I attend the Crothersville Athletic Booster Club meeting. It was very interesting, with the new AD and his wife attending along with four other new faces.

As always, our first meeting of the new school year gets long and drawn out, but we accomplished several new and exciting things.

For one, there will be a season ticket sale for high school volleyball this year. I will find out tomorrow the cost of the ticket, but I believe the fans of volleyball will be excited.

We, as Boosters, have asked in the past for a all-season pass. I know it will not happen this year, but things are in the works and the ducks are getting in a row for the ball to drop on it happening for the 2009-10 athletic season! That will be great news for anyone with a student-athlete that is in multiple sports or parents with both male and female student-athletes.

The popular 'Hoop-Shoot' will be returning to the high school boys basketball games. Fans will appreciate that! They will have a chance at winning $5, $10 or $20 by making a basket!

On September 9, our high school volleyball team will vs Austin. We will be making that night 'Teacher Night'. All the teachers from Crothersville Community Schools system will be invited along with the students to see their favorite teacher in action. Hopefully, a large crowd will turn out to support our girls defeating the Eagles!

Also on the 9th, the Boosters will be having a pizza dinner before the game. Starting at 4:30 p.m. you can purchase 2 slices and a cold Pepsi for only $5!

Exciting things are happening and hopefully this will spill over into the 1,570 residents that live in our little burg and things will begin to turn around for our athletes!

Keep watching the best website on the internet,, and the local papers for the upcoming events!

Alisa K Sweazy


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