If anyone knows my daily schedule knows it's pretty full of extra curricular activities. Tonight was no different. It's Wednesday, so that means I have 1/2 day off of my daily job. For that reason, I always plan most of my extra curricular errands on Wednesday. I've recently volunteered to head up some new activities. (Don't ask me why I said yes, because I thought I'd learned to say no, guess I didn't!)
Anyhow, this afternoon I headed north to Seymour to place an order from the Engraver for a baby contest I am in charge of, only to step out of my truck and hear my reminder alarm going off! It was reminding me of a meeting I had at school beginning at 3 p.m. It was 2:45 p.m.! Gasp! I have 15 minutes to make it
back to the 'Ville! I wasn't going to make it. I got my trophies ordered and started back, made a few phone calls and was in the meeting by 3:10 p.m. Whew!
I was recently asked to join an academic improvement committee at the Junior Senior High School. One of our many goals is to get more parents involved in with the happenings at the school. The elementary has their PTO group but we have no goal at this time to start this at the high school level, but some of their ideas could work for the high school. Right now, our main objective is to promote parent participation, which in turn, will benefit the students.
At a recent Athletic Booster meeting, a comment was made of the students that they needed to realize the school belonged to them and they need to take (and show) ownership. I'm not sure when it changed from when I was in school, but I know sometime between 1978 and 1992, it changed, drastically. Progress can be made, but it will take time for the change to come about. Hopefully, our newly established committee with make progress and the community will be behind us and see the changes.
My second meeting of the night was our first meeting for the newly organized Park Board. I came away from the meeting really pumped and ready for more change. Vice President Sam Kuhen, Secretary Terry Richey, Board Member Jimmy Shirley and Steve Prather, along with myself, President. What a great, great group of people. Together we have lots of ideas and together we will make a difference.
Make sure to watch Countryside Park AND Bard Street Park for changes. It will happen!
Whew, what a night!