I call these my onion plants. If you try to pull them up it is impossible. The tops of the flower breaks off and then your hands smell like wild onions. I'm not sure what the proper name is for these, but they are all around my flower beds as border plant:

This is my one lone tulip left. I love the colors of purple:

My lilies in my flower bed are popping up. They probably need thinned out, but I don't have time to do that. Shouldn't be much longer they will be having their yellow and white blooms:

My fern I borrowed from my neighbor last year is returning this year:

Another purple flower I have is this azalea bush. It is loaded with buds and should be in full bloom in a few days:

Out of all my fowers and trees I have in my yard, this by far is my most favorite. It is a wisteria tree. This time of year you see tons of red bud trees in bloom. They are pretty too, but this is simply breath taking:

I love to just stand under the tree and take in a deep breath and enjoy the aroma of the wisteria scent:

There are thousands of grape like blooms on this tree:

April has by far not been my favorite month, but after seeing the beauty of nature it can sure take your breath away.
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