I help the team by doing the scorebook. I've done a scorebook since Patrick has been 5 years old and playing in Pee Wee League. From there, to Little League to Pony League and now on to High School. It's fun to watch all the kids grow from opponents to teammates.
The parents and fans that used to be on separate sides during the youth leagues are now united and on the same team. Who would have thought that would have happened when we were so competitive during the Little League days?
Next game for the Tigers is a doubleheader home game against Borden. Hopefully the young men will grow from tonight's experiences and build on their accomplishments.
I am very proud of the Tiger team tonight and look forward to Saturday! I'll post results and maybe some pictures too of the next game.
Goooooo Tigers!
Patrick scores on a grand slam from Dalton Brasher

Showing some of his defensive skills at third base

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