The above picture is a sample which was received by the police department wanting them to order their calendars. If you will notice, there is no 'T' in the word department. But, I fixed it:

The chief called to inquire about the calendars, cost, etc. and decided to order some. When the order was repeated to the chief he specifically told them to make sure there was the 'T' in department, with a chuckle of course. Here's what he received:

The chief was overly excited about receiving his order! When they finally arrived, he couldn't get them opened fast enough. He thumb through the pages and was pleased with all the beautiful pictures...for about 30 seconds! I can't type what I heard next as it would make this post X-rated! First thing I thought was they had spelled his name wrong, or they did leave the 'T' off of the word department! When he finally calmed down he showed one of the calendars to me. I seen it immediately. Relook at the above photo. Do you see the mistake? CHIEF is spelled incorrectly!
Can you believe that one! Our chief now has a box of 150-200 calendars that can not be distributed.
Immediately, he called the company to complain and asked how they were going to fix their mistake. After about 20 minutes on the phone with a customer service representive, she transfered him to a supervisor. Eventually he was told, "You ok'd the order over the phone, there's nothing we can do!" He was told he would have to pay for them as it was not their mistake!!! He explained to them when he placed his order, the sales person spelled the words back to him and correctly spelled c-h-i-e-f. I guess they don't have spell check in the south. I believe the company is based in Tennessee, so you'd think they should have known how to spell 'chief'
You'd think they would anyway.
Needless to say, he won't be ordering from this company ever again! All isn't lost though:

I worked a little magic. Now, the calenders can be distributed and not used as a fire starter this winter. Once again the chIEf is happy!
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