I'm sure most people have seen the Oscar winning movie from the early 90's with Susan Sarandon and Genna Davis. Brad Pitt also had a part in the movie. Believe it or not, our own little 'burg has it's very own Thelma and Louise!
We didn't have the '66 Thunderbird, as in the movie. We had a Chevy Chevette, and let me tell you, we thought we were some bad asses! We made so many memories together. From the towels at JC Penney's, cutting fire wood and sitting in the back of the pickup on top of the wood, going up a mountain, 8 months pregnant, almost swinging from a rope at Hardy Lake, going to the State Parks with Benjamin, Tracie, Troy, and Dawn in the summer time, riding bicycles when we had too much to drink--I only did that ONE time, BB guns and mirrors, stop signs, cows, etc.
Memories are a way of holding onto the things you love, the things you are, and the things you never want to lose. We don't remember days, we remember the moments.
Sometimes I play the 'Thelma' role, and sometimes my BFF Shelley has her turn at being the crazy one. 'Louise' is always there to save Thelma and always will be!
The best things in life come in 3's. Good friends, dreams and memories.
Shelley, happy birthday to a great friend, thanks for dreaming with me, and most of all, thanks for the memories!
1 comment:
Thanks, g/f. This made me smile. It's my birthday and I may be old -- but there's still time to make a bajillion more memories. :-)
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