Monday, February 25, 2013

Typical Monday?

Wow! Some people always say Mondays are awful, but normally mine are not too bad. This Monday morning was a completely different story!

Patrick and I had promised the varsity boys basketball sectional team breakfast this morning, as we do every year, right before the team plays their first game of the sectional.

I had everything ready to begin as soon as I got up this morning. At 6AM I started boiling my water for the gravy, cracked 2 ½ dozen eggs, and turned on my oven for the biscuits. The water started to boil, I added the gravy mix, added the fried sausage, and continued to stir the gravy till it began to boil again. Once it started boiling, I turned the fire off on the gravy and turned the fire on for the eggs. I check the oven. Nothing! I checked the temperature to make sure I had actually turned it on! It was set at 375 degrees. Back to stirring the eggs, making sure they don’t stick to the pan and burn. Just as the eggs are done I hear a loud poof. Thankfully, my oven decided to light. (I think it is way past time for a new oven) Once it was warm enough I placed the biscuits in the oven. I started to take all the finished food and load it into the truck. By the time I got everything loaded, the biscuits were done. I turned off the oven and started to remove the sheet of biscuits. As I got the pan to the top of the stove, the pan gave away but I caught it with my bare hand. Ouch! Hot! Burn! Thinking nothing of it, I got out the second pan of biscuits. With this one I was more careful not to drop he pan and get burnt a second time.

I told the team we’d meet in the home economics room at 7:15. I wanted to be there at 7:00 and have things ready by the time they walked into the room. I was right on schedule. Patrick and I left the house at the same time. Locked the front door and we were off. I got in my truck, started it, put it in gear, went about five inches, then stopped. Something did not feel right. I got out and looked at the front right tire. It was as flat as a pancake! Grrrrr! I motioned for Patrick to come over to my driveway, to unload my truck, and load everything into his. Another time consuming task. Finally we were off, again. As we are headed to the school we hear the trains whistle. Are you kidding me? Another delay! We had promised Conner we would pick him up so he wouldn’t have to walk on the cold morning and his parents didn’t have to get up early. Now we are stuck on the wrong side of the tracks and can’t make it to Conner or the school! At 7:06 I call Conner and tell him we are coming, as soon as the train ends! As I hang up I realize Patrick’s truck only has enough room for two people! Once the train ends, we get Conner, and I put the tailgate down and ride to the school, in the 20 degree temperature, with nothing to hold onto! I was beginning to wonder if this was a good thing to do since most everything else was NOT going as planned.

Fortunately, we make it to school without any other incidences. All the team is waiting on us (they were a little early), but everyone pitched in and had things set up in seconds, we said a prayer, and began to eat.

The team was even thoughtful enough to get a thank you card, each of them signed it, and everyone thanked me as they made their way through the line. Moments like these make me very proud of the young men at Crothersville High School.

As each one finished their plate, they made their way over to me, gave me a hug, and thanked me again for the breakfast. That sure makes this crazy Monday seem to go much smoother than it began.

Still, I'm ready for a nap! Maybe when I woke up it would be Tuesday!

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