Today when I get home and open my mailbox I find a brochure from Seymour High School. They are informing me and many others in Jackson County that they are accepting out of district enrollment applications for grades 9-12!!!! If your goal is to be the BEST, join the Best! (insert laughter here!) In small, bold print at the bottom it says funding for the preparation and mailing of this brochure is generously provided by PepsiCo.
To keep you updated, YOU wasted alot of money on this crap PepsiCo!
Opening the brochure I find courses students can choose at SHS, C4 classes, pictures of a classroom, soccer, football, baseball, golf, basketball, tennis, a swimming pool and the weight room. On another page I see cheerleaders pictures, drama, track, volleyball wrestling, choir, band, softball, FFA and more blah, blah, blah about the technology, labs, clubs, organizations and arts clubs offered at SHS.
What is Seymour scared of?
Why send out these brochures to Jackson County residents?
Who came up with this idea?
Again, what is Seymour scared of?
I believe Crothersville is moving forward and moving quickly. Has someone in the Seymour school systems been taking notes of our progression? New technology is coming to CHS.
Crothersville Community Schools 1:1 initiative has made the national spotlight in the Scholastic School Administrator Magazine. The school will also be featured in the Back to School print addition. This is a HUGE recognition for CHS. Crothersville is one of only 10 schools in the nation to receive the best in tech recognition. Everyone should be proud of Crothersville!
Here's a couple links I'd like to share:
Also, new CISCO phone install is almost completed. All staff and teachers will have access to their own personal voicemail. Also with the addition of a PRI data line the corporation has unlimited long distance calling. This technology compliments the technology that is already in place at CHS.
Yup, Crothersville is moving up in the world!
To answer my own question from early..."Yes, Seymour I guess you are scared!"
Signed: Proud parent of a Crothersville Junior Senior High School Student!