Anyway, our week off of the daily grind was very relaxing and looong! We didn't plan anything, no travel plans, nothing. I shut the alarm off on Friday night and left it off all week. When I woke up, if I wanted to get up, I did. If not, I just simply rolled over and went back to sleep.
When we did manage to roll out of our beds for the day we usually took the 4-wheelers for a drive through the beautiful back roads of southern Indiana. I didn't pack my expensive camera, but did have my trusty iPhone with me and made sure I took several pictures.
Some shots I couldn't ask for a better picture, even if I tried with my good camera!

The above picture was taken at our local Conservation Club. I was really wanting to get a picture of how much the lake was down due to our dry summer, but I was much happier with the way this turned out! Below is on our way home on Tampico Pike. The full moon can been seen in the distance.

Stay tuned...more of our southern Indiana adventures will be posted in the coming days!