I usually have 3-4 different cards in my purse and take turns putting money on one or the other.

My latest card has $2.83 on it, so this past Saturday I went by the Scottsburg Wal-Mart to add some more money to the balance. I went to the cashier and told her the amount I wanted on the card. She ran the card through the cash register then has this puzzling look on her face. She cleared her register then ran the card again. I noticed the register said something like 'invalid card number'
Now, had I had a hundred bucks on the card and it said invalid I'd be upset thinking I'd lost my money. I just simply told the cashier to put the money on a new card.
I usually switch the cards and get a new one every couple months just to make sure the coded bar isn't scratched or something and the gas pump would be unable to read the code. So I thought it was no big deal.
Well...the more I thought about it I thought I wanted my $2.83 off of my card! On the back of the card I found an 800 number you could call to check the cards balance. As I was pumping the gas, I had Patrick call the number and punch in the code from the card.
When Patrick got off of the phone he told me my balance was $10.00!!! As soon as he told me that I started laughing so hard I was crying!
What I had done was grabbed my Chili's card instead of the Wal-Mart card! Scroll back and look at the cards. They look the same...expect for the fact the Wal-Mart cards actually have Wal-Mart printed on them!!!!!
What was even funnier was Patrick thought I had played a practical joke on him! Guess it was a good thing I didn't get aggravated with the Wal-Mart cashier. Now that might have gotten embarrassing!
Still, it was good for a laugh for the rest of the weekend!