In a humorous call, some lady asked as I answered the phone, "Is my electricity on yet? I'm at work and wonder if my electricity is on at my house!" Now how do you respond to that? How the heck would I know if her power had been restored? I didn't have a front door key, so I had no idea. (Yes, this woman is a blonde!)
Below is a picture of the tree that fell across South Preston Street:

The resident is waiting for Duke Energy to show up and remove the down power lines from the tree before they can begin cutting and removing the tree.
After talking with a very nice lady from Duke Energy on Monday evening she told me she had no idea when the power would be restored. She said it could be as early as Wednesday or as late as Saturday. By now, the ones that are still without power have lost their freezer items, unless they have made other arrangements. Some residents are on oxygen and need the power for their pumps or they are without water due to their pump not working. The Duke lady suggested those residents make other arrangements to spend time with family members or other relatives or go to a hotel.
I think some residents just like find ways to complain no matter what and won't be happy with anything that happens.
Today, during lunch, I seen 2 Duke Energy workers in a local restaurant talking with the owner about her electric being out at her home. The workers informed her there were 2 other teams of workers on their way to our burg and would be in Town the rest of the afternoon. By the time I got back to work and shared the information with the customers who were still calling in asking questions about the power being turned back on, it started being repeated the Duke workers were sitting down at the local eatery, taking a break, while the community was without power! Grrr...isn't it funny how a good deed can quickly change with someone not repeating the truth? Guess some people just like to keep this stirred up.
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