Yet another successful shopping day! I've been so blessed this Christmas season. Ric had a couple items marked in a book and was suggesting to me he couldn't live without those items.
So, this morning after I picked Patrick up from work, we headed north to Home Depot. I took the book in with me so I'd get the correct items. I showed the cashier the two things Ric
needed. The first one was at the end of the cashier's line. How simple was that? My second item she looked up in her computer and we walked two isles over and found exactly what I needed. We made our way up to the register, paid for both items, and was in and out of the store in less than five minutes!
Next we traveled south to Jay-C Stores to purchase
more food for our Christmas dinner! I thought I had gotten it all last week, but I've added more to the menu, so I had to go back! Like always, they had everything I needed, and was in and out (after visiting with several friends) in less than a half-hour!
I think I am beginning to like this holiday season more and more!